Monday, March 23, 2009

Wingfest 09

It has been a very busy month. St. Patrick's day was fun on Hilton Head. I worked a concession booth for the Rec. during the parade. Afterward Stuart, Wayne and I went down to Wild Wings Cafe to meet up with some friends to celebrate.

Then came Wingfest which is the Rec's biggest special event. We gather local restaurants on Hilton Head to cook there best wings for the patrons to judge. The whole staff spent a lot of time getting it together. It is a very long and busy day. Everyone loved it and we had no complaints which is a pat on the back to us because 5,000 people came through our gates. I put together a little video of what goes on.

Lately, I have been trying to get some spring cleaning done. Even though it does not feel like spring. Going through the closet and sprucing up the house. The pollen is insane right now. After a few minutes of the windows being open everything is covered in a layer of yellow. So, all is fun in our house.

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